Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Phase 1 of advertisement

Well, we've started the flyer distribution. It's been a rough start. But hey I expected a rough start anyway.

Part 1 of Phase 1 involved a super rushed single day advertising in Sunway College - courtesy of our in house Sunway student. *EDIT* Apparently it went brilliantly. I think it was about what 100 flyers? It seems all of it is gone. The Lord is working. We'll see how many turn up.

Part 2 began this morning - distributing flyers near Taylors College. Well it's not to say that near our church, but seeing as how they'll be moving right next to our doorstep, I figured we might as well test it out on the current taylors crowd anyway. I guess we got out about 30 flyers? Maybe more? We'll be continuing part 2 tomoro as well (Wednesday) and see what happens from there.

On a personal note, distributing flyers to strangers seemed so simple and easy in my mind. But in the actual act of doing it, my mouth was glued so tight I nearly had to use a pneumatic jack to open it. But finally getting it open, I guess it went a little easier. I grew some guts today. Yay.

I'm not expecting much from phase 1 of the advertising operation. Maybe 20 people will come? 30? I dunno... but pray and have faith that God will bring the numbers. It's His plan after all, not mine. So knowing that makes me feel secure, knowing that it surely can't fail if He's in charge.

KJ out.

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