Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Revive Concert - How it came to be (PART2)

PART 2 – So now what?

So what was I going to do next? I knew that I had a job to do while I was still around, and I knew that somehow or other God had planted the idea of Taylor’s in my head from the very beginning. The thing that I had to work out was what I could do in my time now that would somehow contribute to the future college ministry with the idea that I might not be around when it opens.

I figured that it was time to start moving. I’ve always said this in my heart – I believe young people are the feet in the body of Christ. Not because we stink more than others, or that we collect dirt more often, but because the feet always have to move first before anything gets done. If you have to go to get some cold water from the fridge you would first need to open the fridge. But even before that, you’d need to WALK to the fridge. Interesting concept eh? So I had to start moving. I had to do something. I didn’t know if anyone was doing anything, I didn’t know what preparations were being done for this great harvest. All I knew is that I had to do something to contribute to it. And I knew it had to involve the ‘feet’ of the Body.

The young people are the link to the other young people. Who knows? Maybe some of our own CBC youths will be attending that very college? We would have insiders, ready to minister to all those young people there. I estimated maybe 6000 students there. Maybe less. I don’t know, but even 10% of that is 600 people! Think of the numbers! 600 young people ready to just barge into our church just like that. And who’s going to minister to them? And in what ways are we going to minister to them?

I had to hatch a plan. I had to help in as many ways as I could to train and teach our insiders. I don’t claim to be an expert on the matter of evangelism. Trust me, I barely know anything about it. I don’t claim to have the expertise to teach anyone anything. I just knew that someone had to start. Maybe we’d get others to help in but I had to start something. So I turned then to the only thing I was sure about – music.

Final part is on it's way. Stay tuned.

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